Social Enterprise Ideas Development (SEIDS) Startup business programme

SEIDs creates decent and dignified work opportunities for London residents by offering a free 12-month Startup Business Programme. The programme provides participants with the tools, resources, networks and confidence to set up and develop their own business.
The programme is made up of monthly workshops, peer to peer learning sessions and 121 mentoring. Participants also have access to a hot desk in the SEIDs coworking space and up to £500 to help with startup or training costs.
The programme is free for people who are unemployed, in receipt of a benefit or referred by a charity.
SEIDs is looking for ways to collaborate with organisations who work with refugees, both for referrals to the existing programme and for the development of future programmes.
For more information please contact Kathy Margerison on [email protected] 07394560927
Empire Way, Wembley, HA9 0RJ